Thinking about going back to school or maybe you just finished high school and you’re ready to take the next big step in your education. Today everybody seems to have an opinion on which degree you should get. Not everything you hear is true and many college majors you were told didn’t pay actually do! Here are some of our favorite college majors that are actually quite sensible and can be lucrative despite their reputations.
English Major
Studying writing and literature is often called a “useless degree” but this couldn’t be more untrue. English majors have a mastery of the written word and the possibilities for competent writers and communicators is endless. English majors can earn big bucks writing copy for high-tech firms and advertising agents. There are also roles for those who choose English as their college major in high-paying fields like finance, who are in dire need of communicators for business to business and business to investor roles. If you love to travel, English majors can often secure jobs teaching abroad which can a well paying and exciting occupation. English is definitely a college major you were told didn’t pay but does!
Art Major
Art and Art History are college majors that are often the butt of jokes when it comes to majors that don’t pay but if you are smart you can still earn some big money with a degree in art. You have the obvious (painter, sculptor, cartoonist) and while hard fields to break into, if you do becoming successful you can earn a good yearly salary. With the the popularity of the internet, savvy artists are also able to market themselves and their art direct to consumers with handmade craft sites. Many careers for art majors are less obvious such as jobs in art therapy or the very well paying position of creative director and digital advertising agencies. Industrial design is also a great career that utilizes your art skills in a practical and in-demand way. So don’t let people tell you otherwise, a passion in art and a corresponding degree can be a practical area of study.
Music Major
Another one of the college majors that gets a bad rap is a major in music. While most people picture a music major playing guitar outside the subway with an open case, in reality a hard-working music major can have a number of unexpected occupations. Careers in broadcasting, music publishing, and music therapy are unexpected choices that can net big bucks. Even if your dreams of being the next Lady Gaga don’t come true right away there is always constant need for studio musicians and vocalists. Film and video games are both industries that are booming and both need original music. This creates a demand for qualified composers who can make original and creative music necessary for todays games and movies.
So don’t believe everything you hear, the world needs diverse talent, no matter what your major if you are hard-working and passionate chances are you can build a bright (and profitable) future for.