All guys enjoy a night in with the boys every so often. But how do you plan the best man’s night in possible? Whether you get together to watch the game, or to relive the World Series of Poker in your own lounge, here are our top tips for arranging a man’s night in to remember.
Keep guests fed and watered
First things first – get that fridge stocked with cold beers. Perhaps you can move on to something stronger later in the evening, but to start off with, you know the boys will want beer. Make sure you’ve got plenty of snacks – simple is best, so we recommend chips and salsa, peanuts, anything you can eat with your hands. Unless you consider yourself a bit of a chef, your best bet is a simple food option – we recommend buying some burgers, or some steaks, and firing up the grill.
A little competition
No man’s night in is complete without an element of competition. Whether you choose a dart board on the deck, the latest computer game or a poker tournament – there needs to be something to play for. If that sounds like too much organisation – why not have a wager on the game you’re watching? An element of competition always keeps things interesting.
Keep guests entertained
If you’re inviting everyone round, you need to make sure that your guests aren’t at risk of getting bored. The good thing is that guys don’t take much pleasing. You can simply watch the game or a movie? Perhaps you’ve all been watching the same TV show and are getting together to watch the finale? If you’re just hanging out, always play some good tunes as a soundtrack to your conversation. There is of course the opportunity to push the boat out and do something a little more special – for example, you could always arrange a beer or whisky tasting.